🔥 Bonji Hot Takes: Volume 41 🔥
The Obsession With Fake Food Stunts
Hi all, welcome back to the Bonji Hot Takes! We hope your week has been filled with success and happiness. The weekend is near, but we hope to offer some value before the week closes and you are enjoying the time off. Every few months, there is an outrageous new food trend cycling through the internet that catches everyone's attention. Oftentimes, this leads to mass media coverage, and sometimes, the FDA has to step in to tell everyone you shouldn't be eating something like tide pods. Yet, from our perspective, we are skeptical if people are truly eating these wild food items or if it's simply just for online attention. Thus, we dove into a few insane food concepts to see if these are actually “trends” that people are eating or if it's all for clicks and views.

We Are All Falling For The Fake Food Trends When the media starts covering something like the recent Nyquil Chicken trend, a Google search can lead you to believe that many people are dousing their chicken in Nyquil. However, that is simply not the case. Of course, there may be a handful of outliers, but that shouldn't require the FDA to come out and say that this could kill you. Same idea when the “Tide Pod Challenge” was around. There may have been a couple kids mistaking Tide Pods for candy or trying to get famous, but overall, there is not that many people consuming laundry detergent. You may ask yourself, where does this type of stuff start? Well, for the case of Nyquil Chicken, the first post about the idea can be traced back to a 4chan chain from 2017. Generally, these posts are made to gross out or shock the viewers, not suggest that they should try this recipe. Nonetheless, people take meme-styled posts and run with them, eventually leading to a trend that is picked up by news sources across the world. To take it a step further, there is even a Twitter/Instagram page called Doctor Photograph that posts altered images of many things, but the food is one of them. For instance, they recently posted a “Windex Soda” which is obviously not real but has gained some traction. This all may seem silly, but we all still fall for the outlandish videos of people eating something we know they shouldn't. And with mainstream attention comes panic and outrage, although nobody is truly taking part in these challenges or trends. Actually, think back a little bit or even look ahead to the end of October. Have you ever heard about the drug-laced Halloween candy? Of course you have! Whether you were a kid being lectured by your parents, or you are the parent scouring through your kids candy to see if its been tampered with, you've most likely heard these horror stories. Yet, that's all there is to this Halloween catastrophe, it's simply a story. In fact, there is little to no evidence supporting an “epidemic” of drug-laced Halloween candy. Feel free to research, Here are some of our top trendy food posts of the past few years, fake or not, that should really NEVER BE EATEN!
No, Mayoreo is Not Real
Dr. Photograph has endless amounts of meme-styled food products, yet none of which hold any truth. His page has received a ton of attention due to the wild food products and other funny physical edits to products. These are all for laughs and views, but some people can be easily convinced, especially when things like this get picked up by mainstream media outlets.

Spaghetti-O Pie
Okay, this one may be real, but kinda disgusting. A rather famous TikTok influencer created this monstrosity of a dinner. By using Spaghetti-O's and sliced bread, she designed a horrific sight. Although it is edible, we highly suggest never trying out this dish.

"Dry-Scooping" Pre-Workout
If you are new to TikTok or the gym bro scene, you may have no idea about the “dry-scooping” trend. This is when someone doesn't mix a pre-workout powder in any liquid and simply scoops it directly into their mouths. Not only is this a major risk of choking, but also very dangerous. First, high amounts of straight caffeine can cause a variety of problems like trouble breathing and heart issues. On top of that, many pre-workouts have other ingredients that contain unknown side effects or worse consequences when swallowed without water.

No, You Shouldn't Put Garlic in Your Nose
Although you may not be consuming anything dangerous, putting garlic in your nose is just not a great idea. Many TikTok creators claim that this can help dramatically clear your sinuses, however, there is no evidence supporting this claim. Not only is this most likely false, but putting any object in your nostrils can be dangerous. Between irritation, rashes, and other potential harms, we suggest leaving garlic for your favorite dinner dishes.
